Dermarollers, also known as microneedling devices, work by creating tiny punctures or microchannels in the skin. These punctures are created by a roller covered with very fine needles that are typically 0.5 to 2 millimeters in length.When the needles penetrate the...
smoking can ruin your looks in many ways. Smoking can cause premature aging of the skin, leading to wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots. It can also cause a dull, grayish complexion and make your skin look unhealthy. Smoking can also cause skin damage by reducing...
An allergy is an immune system response to a foreign substance that’s not typically harmful to your body. These foreign substances are called allergens. They can include certain foods, pollen, or pet dander. Your immune system’s job is to keep you healthy by fighting...
The health of your hair follicles is the key to healthy lustrous hair, and as such, plays a key role. When these follicles are damaged, hair starts to fall out and this often leads to dull and dry hair. Some of the factors that lead to damaged hair follicles include...
For many people, physical appearance plays a key role in one’s self-confidence. For women, this is even more enhanced by the fact that as they get older, they tend to experience drastic physical changes that may ruin one’s confidence. One of the key changes that occur...
White hair, while it develops naturally for most people as they age, is a cause of concern for young people, especially those in their forties and below. The most common explanation for this is that the white hair obviously causes one to look older than they really...