Complete Guide to Do Mesotherapy At Home : Mesotherapy is a procedure, which involves injection on the surface of the skin. These injections contain mixtures of vitamins, minerals as well as other components which are naturally found in the skin, such as the hyaluronic acids. The aim of the precudure is to boost the quality of skin, remove wrinkles, and achieve a more fresh and healthy looking skin. In addition to facial mesotherapy, many other types of mesotherapies are also administered. Each of these procedures are designed depending on certain concerns like hair loss, cellulites, and excess fat.
You already know that Botox® treats fine lines as well and wrinkles which are caused by movements. In addition to this, facial mesotherapy can also help to get rid of the lines as well as wrinkles. The texture of the skin improve with mesotherapy. It is especially a brilliant treatment for lip lines and the adjacent lines under the cheeckbones and the mouth of the patient. Mesotherapy is not so painful but it is not pain free either. The discomfort caused by mesotherapy does not outweigh its benefits.
Today, there are ways for mesotherapy that can do it at home.
mesotherapy use for a variety of reasons:
- help remove the excessive fat fom the hips, legs, arms as well as the stomach.
- mesotherapy is good for reducing cellulites.
- mesotherapy fades wrinkles as well as fine lines.
- It can help tighten loose skin.
- lightens skin’s pigmentation.
- It is for treat alcopecia and the conditions that are resulting in hair loss.
You may be wondering what materials make mesotherapy so effective. The ingredients of most mesotherapy treatments include the following materials:
This ingredient helps to remove fat from fat cells.
This enzyme is able to break down the cellulite and gives the skin a smooth surface.
This enzyme breaks down fat from the diet.
This enzyme is just like caffeine and increases the metabolism.
The risks and side effects of mesotherapy are:
- Feeling nausea
- Pain
- Sensitivity
- Swellings in the areas where the treatement is done
- Redness on the surface of the skin
- Getting bumps at the sites of injctions
- Rashes
- Infections and dark patches
- Scars
The good news is that mesptherapy we can do at home . Yeah, you hear me. You don’t need to book an appointment from months ago . You may be wondering how is that even possible? Keep on reading and wonder no more.
Two of the most approved mesotherapy treatments to be done at home are inspired by professional mesotherapy. These include: MESO BRIGHT and MESO-GLOW. There are, a variety of other options prove effective for home-based treatments.
This process works by deeply hydrating the skin and brightening the complextion by diminishing the appearance of the dark spots from the surface of the skin. It is unique and combines detoxifying properties which are anti-aging, including vitamin B3 and gallic acid. All these can be activated using a special meso-roller.
Meso-glow is a five week treatmnet of the skin. It is a combination of intense moisture and a deep collagen stimulation for the skin. It is also rich in viamin C, antioxidants and that is why it is also called vitamin cocktail. MESO-GLOW helps to achieve a long lasting glow of the skin with the help of microcirculation.
Needle free devices
You can do mesotherapy using needle free devices at home. These devices can improve the tone and texture of the skin and help to reduce the fine lines from the surface of the skin. The benefit of this device is that it is pain free and there are no bleeding in this process. Other issues like acne, sensitive skin, pigmentation dull oily skin can be treated by this process as well.
Derma rollers
The other name for the derma roller is meso roller. The device consists of a roller which contains 540 micro-needles supported by a handle. When the roller rotates on the skin,it rejuvenates the skin and helps in the case of stretch marks. so This device considered as anti aging and contributing to the glow of the skin. You can easily use this device at home. All you need to do is to organize a schedule for the process, and do it in regular routines.