We know BOTOX® works by relaxing the muscle, which relaxes the overlying skin from constantly contracting with the muscle movement, so you don’t get wrinkles. The question is, what age should you get BOTOX®? It all depends on a number of circumstances including skin,...
The popularity of injectables is on the rise and has been for over a decade. While BOTOX® is still number one, dermal fillers are quickly encroaching on that spot. Either way, the more pressing issue is selecting the right option for your skin if you choose to give...
If you’ve ever noticed someone with a plump, crease-free under-eye area, it’s either one of two things: genetics or hyaluronic acid fillers. Topical hyaluronic acid-infused serums and moisturizers deeply hydrate to create volume, plumpness, and firmness,but HA fillers...
When temperatures rise, most of us sweat more, as it’s the body’s way of seeking relief from the heat and cooling down. But sometimes, sweating can become excessive, a condition that can range from “mild dampness to severe dripping and can result in substantial...
We put so much focus on our face that it’s easy to forget what people see below the jawline! Our chin and neck can give us away if we have a softened jawline and neck bands, also known as necklace lines. You may be interested in a Nefertiti lift if you want to reverse...
We put so much focus on our face that it’s easy to forget what people see below the jawline! Our chin and neck can give us away if we have a softened jawline and neck bands, also known as necklace lines. You may be interested in a Nefertiti lift if you want to reverse...