Ingrown hairs, just as the name suggests, are hairs that tend to grow back into the skin as opposed to growing outwards. Since this is not the natural progression following skin growth, you are bound to encounter problems when this hair grows inwardly. The most common...
Getting rid of unwanted body hair regularly can be incredibly bothersome. While tweezing, shaving or waxing provide quicker short term solutions to getting rid of hair, they come with their fair share of problems. Regularly shaving, waxing or tweezing can be painful,...
Imagine greeting the upcoming swimsuit season with a body that you don’t have to keep shaving or waxing. Well, we can help you realize that dream with our laser hair removal service — if you start now. If you’d like to tackle body hair, we can get started now so that...
Laser hair removal may seem an intimidating procedure. For those with Black skin, it may seem especially intimidating, as the procedure was once considered unsafe due to the risk of scarring, burning, and hyperpigmentation. But now, laser hair removal is safe and...
For many women who like to spend time at the beach and the pool, a clean bikini line is very important. But what’s the best option for removing the hair that grows along this line? Swimsuit season is almost here, and we could all use a little sun after a long Salt...
Does removing unwanted hair take too much time out of your day or overall week? If so, you are not alone. Always having to worry about shaving, waxing, and using hair removal creams can be daunting. With laser hair removal, there is a better way! Any unwanted hair can...